Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Thoughts on the Exodus

I've been moving along rather slowly through the book of Exodus, and I've stopped at chapter 5.  There's a question that Moses asks at the end of this chapter that is one that I've found myself asking lately:

"O, Lord, why have you brought trouble upon this people?  Is this why you sent me?  Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has brought trouble upon this people, and you have not rescued your people at all."

Right on, Moses.  Go ahead.  Call God out.  

God had spoken into Moses' brokenness, called him to be a part of rescuing the people of Israel, and the only thing that had been accomplished was the increasing difficulty of their work.  Instead of being freed from their chains, more chains were added.  Understandably, Moses was confused and angry.  He had just been introduced to this new God, who at least claimed to care about His people and had convinced Moses to do crazy things to help free them.  And what did he get in return?  The Israelites threw curses down on him, and the suffering continues.  Some loving, caring God.

In a lot of ways, this is where I am right now.  My whole life, and especially in the last few years, people have been trying to convince me that God loves me and cares about my suffering.  And I have wanted to believe that so badly.  But in light of recent events, recent "boxes" that I've been packing (remember the Moving Day analogy?), I ask the same question as Moses: why?  If you care, then why?  If you love me, then why?  Some of the pieces just don't seem to fit.  

And what's interesting about chapter 5, is that Moses' question is the last verse.  In the NIV, the section is entitled "God Promises Deliverance," but unless you keep reading, the deliverance never comes.  I only printed out the text of that chapter, and haven't moved on yet.  I wonder if God ever directly answers Moses' question.  And I wonder if that answer is enough to satisfy him... or me?  I guess I'll have to let you know when I get around to chapter 6.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hadn't read this post till tonight (as in now/post-SG), and all I gotta say is "right-on." I think a couple years ago I'd be freaked out to ask God that kind of question, but at this pt, it's like, no seriously, God. This plan you've got that sounds so great, that sounds like everything I want... how does it actually work, here, now, and forever? Thanks for asking those questions with me.