- Perfection isn't never making mistakes, it's owning your humanity and learning from the ones you inevitably make.
- Perfection isn't being perpetually happy, it's a willingness to wade through the not-so-happy times with patience and grace.
- Perfection isn't always being right, it's the willingness to admit when you're wrong.
- Perfection isn't finally reaching the highest of heights, it's having the perseverance to get back up when you fall.
- Perfection isn't always having your priorities straight, it's being open to seeing when you don't, and at least putting yourself on the road to getting them where they need to be.
- Perfection isn't never hurting the people you love, it's being willing to admit when you do and doing everything possible to make it right.
- Perfection isn't having all together, it's recognizing the beauty in the mess that you are.
- Perfection isn't having everything you need, it's doing the best you can with the cards you've been dealt.
These things seem like a much more attainable goal than the commonly used definition of perfection. And for people who at least attempt to "perfect" these characteristics in their lives, I think the grass is, in fact, a little bit greener.
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